Friday, June 6, 2008

Babies have lazy necks



News Groper: These Blogs Are Not Real

June 6th, 2008

The primary is finally over and we all could have had two babies in the time it took to wrap up. But that would assume you had the babies immediately back to back. And it's probably very taxing on one's body to have a baby and a break of a month or so would be in order. It's funny that when babies are born they can't support the weight of their heads.

Breaking news: Not everything green is good! by Al Gore

Why I hate Hillary Clinton supporters by Barack Obama

I look positively radiant in your car window by Christopher Walken

I'm not quitting, I'm ceasing to run by Hillary Clinton

I have a dream... by Howie Mandel

Shut your face Todd Perineum by Bill Clinton

Announcing my new website of creepy self-worship by Tom Cruise

In your wet dreams, Chris Martin by Bono


The News Groper Editors

News Groper is a network of fake parody blogs.
Address: News Groper LLC, 18 Bridge St., Suite 2E, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA.

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