Monday, August 18, 2008

That's the Ticket!

Why loquacious Delaware senator Joe Biden is a terrific vice-presidential pick for Barack Obama.

Senator Joe Biden, Barack Obama's vice-presidential selectionIt's a great pick! He connects with blue-collar voters and reassures voters worried about Barack Obama's foreign policy inexperience.
It's a lousy pick! He's prone to gaffes and, as a senior member of the Senate, steps on the message of change.

In the next few days, pundits will be obsessing over the political impact of putting Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket. But the more important questions are the more tangible ones. Is Biden qualified to serve as an advisor to the president and, in an emergency, his stand-in? What does this selection tells us about the way Obama makes decisions?

The answer to the first question is unambiguously "yes."

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