Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Help! Poor Black People Are Stealing the Election From Rich White Guys!

by Lloyd Hart

You may have noticed over the last week the word acorn or to be more
exact A.C.O.R.N. which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. I personally have known about this group for many years and nearly fell off my couch when I began to hear the accusations coming out of the McCain campaign that poor black people (A.C.O.R.N.) held a gun to Congress's head (cause black people, you know, they can get guns. (wink) ) and forced it to pass a law that forced rich white guys to stop redlining minority neighborhoods and to stop predatory lending practices in minority neighborhoods - a deliberate practice of banks not providing equal access to credit products like loans and mortgages at the same fare market value in terms of interest rates that the white folks received who were forced into the terrible exodus of white flight when they had to relocate to the suburbs when they were afraid their children might have sex with black folks if they lived next door to them and you know (wink) listened to their jazz music and smoked their marijuana.

Help! Poor black people are causing the total collapse of the Global Economy!

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