Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friends don't let friends vote for McCain and Palin

If you plan to vote for McCain-Palin, or know someone who is, please read some of these links first:
"Across this country this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners..."
-- John McCain, at a campaign rally on Oct. 8, 2008.
"I can verify that John [McCain] has an infamous reputation for being a hot head. He has a quick and explosive temper that many have experienced first hand. Folks, quite honestly, that is not the finger I want next to that red button."
-- Phillip Butler, "Why I Will Not Vote For John McCain," Military.com, Aug. 21, 2008.
[Note: When you go to Military.com they now have a single paragraph of the story up and when you try to load page one it takes you to an error message.]
(Dr. Phillip Butler is a 1961 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and a former light-attack carrier pilot. In 1965 he was shot down over North Vietnam where he spent eight years as a prisoner of war. [He was a POW in the 'Hanoi Hilton' with John McCain.] He is a highly decorated combat veteran who was awarded two Silver Stars, two Legion of Merits, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Heart medals.)
"McSexist: McCain's War on Women"
By Kate Sheppard, In These Times
Posted on July 24, 2008
"The corporate media won't say it and the Obama campaign isn't saying it enough, so we're saying it loud and clear: John McCain is a liar. And so is the woman he now shares the Republican ticket with. Yes, Sarah Palin is a liar, too. Together they are responsible for one of the most inaccurate and misleading presidential campaigns, in a business known for inaccuracy and misdirection. But even by the standards of American politics, the McCain-Palin ticket seems to be in a race with itself to set new standards of low."
-- From "McCain and Palin's Top 20 Lies, Myths and Flip-Flops,"
Isaac Fitzgerald and Tana Ganeva, AlterNet, September 12, 2008.
"Media Myths of McCain"
By David Brock and Paul Waldman
Media Matters
"Track the Lobbyist Money that Bankrolls McCain's Campaign (And His Advisers)"
By Seth Colter Walls
Huffington Post
August 4, 2008
"Palin Keeps Lying, and Lying, and ..."
By Eugene Robinson
Sept. 16, 2008
"Mad Dog Palin"
By Matt Taibbi
Rolling Stone
September 27, 2008
"A Palin Theocracy"
By Marjorie Cohn
Common Dreams
Sept. 11, 2008

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