Monday, December 8, 2008

Former Guantanamo prosecutor speaks out: Gitmo has ‘sullied’ U.S. military and the Constitution.»

Former Lt. Col. Darrel Vandeveld, a former U.S. prosecutor at Guantanamo, told BBC yesterday in his first interview since resigning earlier this year that Guantanamo detainees were treated in a "wrong, unethical and finally, immoral" manner. Vandeveld was so "appalled" by the conditions at Guantanamo that he consulted his Jesuit priest, who told him to resign. "I never suffered such anguish in my life about anything," he said. Watch BBC's segment:

A Pentagon spokesman responded: "We dispute Darrel Vandeveld's assertions and maintain the military commission process provides full and fair trials to accused unlawful enemy combatants who are charged with a variety of war crimes."

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