Monday, April 27, 2009

How Borrowing and Spending Destroyed America: The Realities of War, Bidness, and Taxes

By Mickey Walker

Setting the Stage

Something just hit me.  Say you wanted to create a world boom economy where arms and bullets flourished and mercenaries were paid 10 times the price of real soldiers and real armies.  What do you do?  First, you start a war.  Scare up the people with visions of mushroom clouds in our cities on national TV.  To increase profits, fuel several wars/insurgencies 'round the world.  Keep the war corporation crony plates spinning.  Scare all nations with suicide bombings here, there, and everywhere.  Scare up the oil-rich Arabs with rumors of terrorists so that they will pay through the nose for intelligence from private sources to keep their oil refineries safe.  Hire a bunch of former intelligence officers from the CIA who know how to steal data and where it is and who has control of it.  Then you play the terrorists against the nations who fear them and are willing to pay for "protection" as in the days of Al Capone.  Business is always good, and you always win.  If a certain area is not paying "protection" bucks what do you do?  Well what did Al Capone do?  Why, a grocery just blew itself up or a hardware store burned down.  Back then, businesses protected themselves by using Al Capone's protection services when the terrorist was also Al Capone.  He played a double roll and got to double dip.  Great work if you can get it.  

So enter the 21st Century, and bingo, instantly, "protection" (a lucrative offshoot of war against terrorists) is big bidness, worldwide.  Instead of merchants in Chicago, it's become nations of the world who are the customers.  They got more money.  And they pay through the nose for protection, especially the countries with oil.  No wonder Bernie Kerick, ex police chief of NYC and Giuliani's partner, got 10 million dollars in stock warrants from selling tazers to city and state governments all over the world.  Big business, protection.  It rules.  How did Eisenhower foretell such a danger in our government getting into bed with the war corporation contractors?  Chilling.

Then came Blackwater, a finely-tuned, world-class intelligence/protection organization, offering protection, spreading its tentacles to the four corners of the earth.  Wouldn't it make a great spy novel where the terrorists and the heads of state and protection companies were like the wrestling game?  You know, where each opponent conspires to give the crowd an emotional reaction where one wins and the other loses for a while, and then the tables turn suddenly and the other wins?  And the wrestlers go out together for drinks afterwards?  I can just hear the dialogue where a Milo Minderbinder-type character sets the terrorists against a country, say Albania, shooting up the countryside, killing, looting as Milo waits for the phone to ring in his US secret underground corporate headquarters of a company named, say, Muddywater.  It rings.  It's the president of Albania, begging for Muddywater protection services at any cost.  Just so happens that Milo is top-heavy in secret operatives in Rome at the time (what a coincidence to be so close to Albania; give those terrorist bombers who scared up the Albanians a bonus).  So the Muddywater operatives fly their hi-tech 'copters over to Albania and do their thing, the terrorists recede from their Albania rampage, Milo is paid a few hundred million Euro dollars (subtle, ain't it?), and everybody wins.  The phone rings again.  Milo tells his aide that the King of Saudi reports bombings just miles from the palace.  "What do we have to offer them that's close by?  Nothing?  Then deploy from North Carolina at twice the rate, etc. They can stand it."  You get the dialogue.  So then the aide says they are already committed to Lebanon for the coming quarter.  Milo says to drop Lebanon like a shoe because (drum roll) "Who got de money?  And who don't?"  The aide smiles, knowingly.  "But hire some more CIA rejects off the street and we will do Lebanon, too, just tell them we might be a few days late.  Who else they gonna call?"   Milo shuffles some papers on his desk.  "New subject." he says to his aide.  "We need some pesos.  Who you got in Mexico?  Just some poor rebels who think they got a cause, right?  Send some of our men down with some C4.  Blow up a pyramid or two, you know the old ones, the Mayan ruins.  Make it Chichen Itza, the big pyramid.  Nobody's been scared up enough in Yucatan for too long.......tourists think it's a safe haven there, and we will show them different.  The government of Mexico gets a billion dollars a day from tourists.  Chichen Itza, the big one.  Yeah.  Have them take out a cenote or two, you know, where the tourists swim and play while they're there.  That will get the phones ringing." 

Wow.  Think of the all them protection bucks.  Think of the enormity of such a world scheme.  And if we just remember Rumsfeld's "snow" memos and "Keep the terror alert elevated."  how can we lose?

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