Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Up and At 'Em for National Penis Day

I recently received an email with the following photos attached to it and wondered "How could I have missed this important date??" 

March 15 saw National Penis Day come and go in Japan - pardon the pun. Carrying on from old Shinto religious ceremonies with fertility theme it is supposed to tie in with the start of spring and aimed at agricultural fertility.  Still fertility and penises are of course taken very seriously in Japan and this day, called the Hounen Matsuri, is celebrated annually at the Tagata Shrine in Komaki, Central Japan.  Though is probably more visually phallic now than it was in days of yore...


Oh the hilarity.  Although I am not sure how comfortable I feel with the little girl being held up to stroke the penis, nor about the woman wearing a "glasses and penis" disguise, angrily clutching her dick in her hand.  Grown men the world over will cry at that.

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