Tuesday, June 23, 2009


"You and I are both students of history and we've seen this movie before. When Ronald Reagan  stood up for the workers in Gdansk in Poland, when he stood up for the people of Czechoslovakia,  in Prague Spring, and America did. And some good Democrats did, too."
- always wrong McCain, trying to drag Obama into Iran's civil war,    Link
"Tell me again who it was who committed treason against our country by making back-room deal with the Ayatollah (oh, was that the same Iran that's in the news today?) 'yeah Ayatollah, you just make sure you keep those hostages until after the election and we'll give you the weapons you need to fight Saddam.'"  
-  AmericasBack,    Link
"And don't forget when Saint Ronnie stood up for states rights in 1861!"
- Bob Wurst,    Link
"Remember when Reagan beat the Nazis with his bare hands?" 
- spring heeled jack,    Link
"And how he ended WWI by playing rock paper scissors with the Kaiser..." 
- Bob Wurst,    Link
"Ronald Reagan represents all of the worst elements of the American political experience of the last 50 years.  All of them. He was, and always will be, nothing but a steaming hot pile of filthy hyena puke. Intellectually, Reagan  gave chimpy a run for his money. He was vacuous. He was shallow. He was incurious. He was a puppet and a door stop  for a group of sick ideologues who really ran the country. He was a shitty actor and foolish tool. Ideologically, he was a hater and an imperialist and far-right loony-tune. He hated the poor. He hated gays. He hated leftists. He hated communists - and he was pretty sure you were one if you disagreed with him. Ronald Reagan was a twisted unrepentant closed-minded  shit-bag hate monger.  And that's just for starters.  Fuck Ronald Reagan. Then fuck him again."
      -- Truth2Tell   Link

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