Friday, January 1, 2010

More on Jim DeMint and Republican Super-Hypocrisy

by: RDemocrat

The hypocrisy of the Republicans on the recent failed terrorist attack in Detroit is mind-boggling, even by their own super-high hypocrisy standards. When the Bush Administration allowed the deadliest attack ever on American soil due to rank incompetence, they were mum. Then when, just a few days later a terrorist was allowed on board a plane and was thwarted by passengers Republicans were too full of god-king worship to utter a single protest. However, when an almost identical attack to the "shoe-bomber" occurs without the incompetence and death of an event like 9-11 preceding it, they are all up in arms about "keeping our country safe". RDemocrat :: More on Jim DeMint and Republican Super-Hypocrisy Of course they ignore many inconvenient facts besides the 9-11 attacks in their super-hypocrisy. They ignore the fact that Republicans set up the current terror-alert system and sold it along with the Constitutional rights stealing Patriot Act and FISA law as measures that would keep us safe. They ignore the fact that Obama has "kept us safe" longer than Bush did in his time before 9-11. They also conveniently ignore the fact that one of their own, Jim DeMint has held up Obama's chosen leader of the Transportation Safety Administration since September.

Yes, Erroll Southers has been waiting that long to be confirmed because of the super-hypocrisy of Jim DeMint. Does DeMint object to Southers because he is not qualified?? Well, lets take a quick look at Erroll Southers:

Erroll G. Southers is the Associate Director for educational programs at the U.S. homeland security Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) at the University of Southern California (USC) and an Adjunct Professor of Terrorism and Public Policy. He is the former deputy director of the California Office of Homeland Security, appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger, and responsible for the oversight of counterterrorism policy and national pilot programs. Mr. Southers' experience includes counterterrorism studies in Israel, at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israeli Defense Forces' Home Front Command. He is a former FBI Special Agent assigned to matters of counterterrorism, foreign counterintelligence, and a member of the Bureau's SWAT Team. He is a former Santa Monica Police Department detective, member of the Rio Hondo Police Academy faculty and tactical staff, and a court-qualified gang expert. As an authority on the protection of cultural properties, he ascended to the level of Assistant Vice President at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Mr. Southers is A Certified Institutional Protection manager and is certified in homeland security by the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute. He is a consultant to numerous international firms and regularly featured in the media as an expert on matters of counter-terrorism and infrastructure protection. Mr. Southers is a Senior Fellow of the UCLA School of Public Affairs and a Next Generation Fellow of The American Assembly at Columbia University. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree at Brown University and his Master of Public Administration at USC.

Hmm, this guy looks pretty damn qualified to me. I think maybe having someone like this leading our Transportation Safety Agency may have been a good thing and may have kept a terrorist from boarding a plane, but because of Senator DeMint we will never know. Of course, as always with Republicans the real reason DeMint objects to Southers is the fact that the man has not ruled out allowing TSA screeners, who will have to be highly qualified and skilled professionals join a labor union:

DeMint said Wednesday that he is concerned that Southers would let TSA screeners join a labor union.

Well, that explains it. Because we all know that screeners making just above poverty wage levels will be so much happier and more encouraged to do their jobs. We all know that everyone wants to be as broke as possible and not have any benefits to go into work and deal with a bunch of angry travelers all while knowing that a mistake on their part could cost hundreds, even thousands of people their lives. Of course these folks should be working for peanuts, and should just be glad someone gave them a job that is not flipping burgers at Mickey D's. Right??

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