By Bill Nemitz
Some called it a political convention. But in reality, it was where worlds collided.
Late Friday afternoon, as Maine's Republican State Convention fanned out from the Portland Expo to county caucuses at nearby King Middle School, GOP loyalists from Knox County found themselves directed to Classroom 110 the domain of eighth-grade social studies teacher Paul Clifford.
Now this, in case you haven't heard by now, was no ordinary county delegation.
The insurgent Knox County conservatives, heavily steeped in the Tea Party Movement, would manage by the time the convention was over to replace a run-of-the-mill party platform with a new set of planks imported from, well, another political planet.
It's a place where all of the borders are sealed, global warming is a myth (and a potentially illegal one at that), health care is by no means a right, Austrian economics rule and you will never, ever witness the creation of "a one world government."
It's also a place where, according to Section V, item k, "It is immoral to steal property rightfully earned by one person, and give it to another who has no claim or right to its benefits."
Which brings us back to the worlds colliding and a more-than-slightly irritated Paul Clifford.
When he went home for the weekend on Friday, one of Clifford's most prized teaching tools a collage-type poster depicting the history of the U.S. labor movement was affixed to his classroom door. Clifford uses it each year to teach his students how to incorporate collages into their annual project on Norman Rockwell's historic "Four Freedoms" illustrations.
The poster includes this quote from the labor organizer and one-time presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs: "Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization. Progress is born of agitation. It is agitation or stagnation."
"It's one of my favorite posters," said Clifford. "I've had it sitting there for seven years."
Enter the Knox County Republicans, whose weekend convention coup has attracted national attention as a harbinger of a movement that knows a thing or two about agitation.
Details are sketchy as they often can be when political passion gives way to apparent criminal activity. But this much we know: When Clifford returned to school Monday morning, his cherished labor poster was gone.
In its place, taped to the same door, was a red-white-and-blue bumper sticker that read, "Working People Vote Republican."
"So I start laughing at first, thinking, 'All right, that's funny,"' said Clifford. "But then I go inside my room thinking the poster will be on my desk and it isn't. And so now I'm like, 'You know what? This is baloney!"'
It gets worse.
While Clifford used his break time Monday to bang out a few pointed e-mails to GOP leaders asking for help in getting his poster back, King Middle School Principal Mike McCarthy started getting phone calls from rank-and-file Republicans who were upset by what they said they had seen in Clifford's classroom.
They objected to other "freedom" posters produced by kids from past years one depicts former President George W. Bush with no eyes over the caption "I feel like I can see evil."
They objected to a sticker attached to a filing cabinet in the corner that reads, "People for the American Way Fight the Right." (Clifford says he didn't put the sticker there it was on the cabinet when he salvaged it from another classroom.)
They also objected to the contents of a closed cardboard box they found near Clifford's desk. Upon opening it for a look-see, they found copies of the U.S. Constitution printed and donated to the school by (gasp) the American Civil Liberties Union.
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