This letter is addressed to ALL of YOU, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Fascist or whatever your ideology may be. Your "Party" doesn't make a damn difference here.
Forgive me for being blunt, but do any of you have the balls to end America's dependence on ALL OIL, both foreign and domestic, and convert all our automobiles to run on hemp fuel?
Do any of you have the balls to create millions of American jobs in the Hemp Industry, a clean, green and renewable source of energy?
Do any of you have the balls to legalize something that has already been banned for way too long at the cost of millions of American lives in the ever-losing Drug War?
How much money is the government spending to fight marijuana and how many Americans will you jail for something that you cannot possibly ever control unless you legalize it?
Do you even realize that this IS the "Green Energy" of the FUTURE?
Did you know that this could be accomplished in less than a year!
Did you even know that Cannabis Hemp amd Marijuana have so many other uses? Clothing, Plastics, Rope, Paper, Health benefits, in some people even CURES CANCER, it is a natural alternative medicine to so many damaging prescription drugs, etc..... and oh yeah, lets not forget that the marijuana plant's "bud" can get you high.
Millions of Americans smoke marijuana. You CANNOT and MORALLY SHOULD NOT jail such a huge portion of the population of our own country in such a foolish manner. It is a waste of valuable resources. These millions of Americans that we currently jail are taken away from being productive to society, their families and communities, all because they chose to get high, whether for recreational, medicinal or emotional purposes.
Please do not let history repeat itself. During the Great Depression, America went into an even deeper slump because of Prohibition. Prohibition in the early 20th Centruy nearly destroyed America. Do not let America's Prohibition of Marijuana destroy our nation.
It's a fact of life: America Smokes Pot and LOTS OF IT!!!
Keep an open mind and envision the inevitable fact that marijuana, cannabis, and hemp are what is destined to save humankind and our planet.
America needs to lead in developing this renewable energy source before we fall behind the rest of the world as slowly all nations will open their eyes to the things they can do with this miracle plant, cannabis.
The potential to once again become the "World's Leading Economy" is in your hands. America needs to push aside the old myths about marijuana that got a nation so paranoid about it, we outlawed hemp - We made it illegal and banned an industry that today has the potential to create millions of jobs, billions in exports, and trillions in taxes and related revenues.
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